Protect Your Home’s Addition – Insurance Coverage For Renovations

Once you’ve completed renovations to your residence, it’s paramount to revise your existing home insurance, especially if you reside in West Hartford, CT. This guide will help you understand the elements of your renovation to consider when updating your policy. Let’s dive into the categories that require your attention below.

Structural Materials Insurance Considerations

Begin by compiling a detailed list of all the structural materials used in the renovation, measuring the scope of the new elements, and documenting the quantity and value of each material. This is important because some materials could be more susceptible to damage than others. This compiled list will be handy when discussing modifications to your existing policy with an agent.

Covering Electrical Components in Your Insurance Policy

Next on the list is the assortment of electrical components installed by your contractor. These entail materials such as wiring, transformers, and receptacles, which may have a risk of theft or damage. Request your contractor to provide a summary of materials which will be your reference point during your home insurance policy modification.

Including Plumbing Installations in Your Insurance Policy

If your renovation involves installing new plumbing materials, ensure this is covered in your insurance policy. These materials are also susceptible to potential damage or theft. Your plumbing contractor should be able to offer insights about which materials could be most at risk.

Insuring Personal Possessions in the New Space

Consider the purpose of the new addition to your home. If you intend to utilize the new space for living or storage, the possessions within these areas will need to be included in your home insurance coverage.

Summarizing the Home Insurance Modification

Engage one of our agents from Connecticut Insurance, who is always ready to assist you in acquiring appropriate coverage for your renovated home in West Hartford, CT. They will guide you through every step ensuring your home addition is adequately covered.