How do I file a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

Facing an accident at work can be challenging, especially if it causes a high-cost medical bill and may prevent you from returning to work for a period of time. In many cases, you may need to file workers compensation claim paperwork in Connecticut to receive the funds that will help you recover.

Getting the Paperwork from an Employer

The first part of making a claim is informing your employer about the work-related injury or illness. Depending on the nature of your work and the problems that you may face, some situations may not be obvious. For example, if you are diagnosed with carpel tunnel syndrome, then you may need to provide a note or documentation from your doctor before you can make a claim.

An accident that took place on the job, such as a broken bone from a falling object, can be documented and it may be possible that your employer will provide the paperwork after the injury so that you can file a claim.

Medical Documentation and Filing the Claim

After filling out and submitting the form provided by an employer, you may need a medical exam from an approved doctor. The insurance company requires that you get checked by a doctor that they have approved to ensure that the data is accurate.

The doctor will examine your injuries and provide details regarding the time when you can return to work and the extent of the injuries. Based on the situation, worker’s compensation insurers will offer a payment or settlement. The amount will usually cover the lost income as well as the medical bills and related expenses.

Injuries on the job can be hard to manage, but worker’s compensation coverage is designed to address your concerns. Contact us to talk to an agent for more information.