Does Commercial Insurance Cover Your Personal Car That is Used For Business?

In order to properly insure your business vehicle, you can take out a commercial car insurance policy. This is something that needs to be discussed with an insurance agent to make certain that you are protecting you, and your business from liability.

Commercial Car Insurance:

  • goes above and beyond what a personal auto insurance policy would cover
  • covers situations that would occur related to business traveling and usage
  • covers liability for people who may be employed by your company and are conducting business using a company vehicle
  • covers work only vehicles like dump trucks and taxi cabs

It is tempting to continue to insure your work vehicle under your personal auto insurance policy. DO NOT FALL VICTIM TO THIS TEMPTATION. Though the chances are slim that you or your employer would get into an auto accident, the stress caused by driving without proper insurance is not worth it.

If the car is involved in an accident while it is being driven for work-related purposes your personal auto policy will not cover your liability. Commercial vehicle insurance is designed for the situations that will arise during business travel. Driving without insurance jeopardizes your business and personal revenue. You leave yourself open to being personally sued for damages.  

Speaking with a knowledgeable insurance agent about where the gray areas would be to your benefit. 

Call ALLConnecticut Insurance today at 860-232-7076 to figure out if you need a commercial vehicle insurance policy. If you reside in or have set up your business in West Hartford, CT or the surrounding areas we would love for you to come in to speak with one of our agents today to discuss your commercial, home, life, or auto insurance policy needs. Make your insurance a priority before a mishap arises!